Sunday, September 4, 2011

Low Carb BBQ Chicken Pizza with French Fried Onions

2          Lg                    Mission Carb Balance Wheat Tortillas
X         Tbsp                Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Chipotle BBQ Sauce
1/2       Med - Lg         Onion, chopped
1-2       Cups               Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1-2       Cups               Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1-2       Cups               Cooked Chicken Breast, cubed or shredded
1           Cup                Cilantro Leaves
1           Cup                French Fried Onions

Line cookie sheet or other baking dish with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Place tortillas on lined cookie sheet and spread desired amount of BBQ sauce on tortilla. Sprinkle chopped onions on top of BBQ Sauce.
Add shredded mozzarella cheese on top of onions.

Add cubed chicken and cheddar cheese. Bake in toaster oven (regular oven works, too) on 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle cilantro leaves and french fried onions on pizza then bake another 2 to 5 minutes.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


In 1995 my dad got a dog named Kristy. She was a Shephard mix of some sort that he found at a shelter south of Dallas, TX where he was staying at his motor home. I had just gotten my black lab Dakota a few months prior and we went to visit them. Kristy must have been around 2 years old then and Kota was just a pup. It was fall and I remember they were playing in the leaves.

Last night Kristy went to sleep and didn't wake up. Mom knew it was coming but when it happens it's still a shock and it's hard. I know what it feels like to lose a dog because Dakota went missing while Bob and I were on our honeymoon. I still miss him. My mom has a routine with Kristy as most people do and it will be very hard for her. In addition, Kristy was mom's only companion and now she is all by herself. She was also the only thing we had left of Dad.

I didn't have a strong connection to Kristy but I did love her and I too had a routine when I was there. Ordinarily mom's friends Brigitte and Heinz would come pick up Kristy at mom's house in the morning while mom was at work. They would take her for a walk, then take Kristy to their house where she would hang out until mom came home from work and got her. When I went to visit mom I would take over the morning walks with Kristy, so it will be a change for me as well next time I visit mom.

What Kristy's death did for me is bring up overall feelings of loss that I probably haven't allowed myself to feel in a while. Loss of my dad. Loss of my grandparents. Loss of Dakota. Loss of my ability to have children. Loss of my health. Loss of my "in shape" body. Loss of a career I could have had if it wasn't for these health issues. Loss of friendships. Loss of the person I used to be before I got sick. Loss of our house in Austin. Loss of so many people and things. I know this will pass, but right now life seems overwhelmingly sad and unbearable. Most days I wake up wondering how I am going to make it through the day. So I was sitting outside in the sun thinking about all this crying my heart out. It's just going to be one of those days I suppose.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Low Carb Sunflowerseed Cookies

DH went back to eating low carb. He sticks to Paleo meals quite often, but also some regular low carb foods. Since I love to cook, and I want him to succeed in eating LC, I am always looking for new things to make for him. I either come up with my own recipes, or I find Paleo friendly recipes that I modify for him. The recipe I am about to post was adapted from this one: Paleo Mag Online Sunflowerseed Cookies

DH does not like raisins or honey, plus I wanted to reduce the carbs a bit. So I substituted sugar-free chocolate for the raisins, I reduced the honey by half and added 3 packets of Splenda. I added the egg/yolk to replace the honey. I know, not THE healthiest thing to eat, but for an occasional treat I think it's ok. Better than a high carb diet anyway.

Low Carb Sunflowerseed Cookies

1                                  Egg Yolk
1                                  Egg
1/2       Cup                 Sunflowerseed Flour
1/8       Cup                 Honey
3          Packets           Splenda
2          Tbsp               Coconut Flour
2          Tbsp               Unsweetened, shredded coconut
2          tsp                  Vanilla Extract
1/2       Bar                 Russel Stover Sugar Free Dark Chocolate

Beat egg and egg yolk in a bowl. Crush chocolate bar into chunks of desired size. Add all remaining ingredients to eggs. Mix well and drop onto parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes or until edges turn golden brown.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 49

Two days ago I started taking teasel - an herb that kills Lyme bacteria. I was going to start with 1 drop but 2 drops came out. Yesterday I was going to take another 2 drops but 3 came out. Today I feel like utter crap. I am more fatigued and worn out than I normally am, I feel dizzy and get black spots in front of my eyes every time I stand up, I have this overwhelming desire to stay in bed all day, my eyes are more red/burning than usual, and I feel like I can't go on like this. The daily abdominal distention and constant, never-ending, insatiable hunger alone are wearing me out. I guess the die off I am getting is somewhat tolerable, but that's because I don't have any work right now. If I get more projects next week I am going to have to stop taking the teasel because I also cannot concentrate right now or wrap my mind around simple things, let alone complex programming.

This of course presents a huge problem. I am not going to get anywhere by taking probees (which I still can't tolerate) and herbs against Lyme and babesia (a co-infection I have) on weekends only. Actually, I am wondering if that would make things worse. So my plan is to do another fast. I was going to fast every spring and fall anyhow since I am a total believer in the benefits of fasting for healing and maintaining health. However, this time I am considering a 10-day water fast at TrueNorth Health Center in California rather than a water/broth/juice/tea fast at Malteser Klinik von Weckbecker in Germany where I have gone before. I have read that you can accomplish the same with a 10-day water fast as a 30-day juice fast and my goal is to feel better fast. I have no desire to continue feeling like this every single day for years to come. I would rather feel even worse for 10 days and then be at a much better starting point. At least that's my theory right now.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

This gives me hope...

Lyme Success Stories

...and it made me cry. I am SO worn out on every level possible. I used to get up, have some coffee, go work out (running, weight lifting, Yoga, Pilates, more...), go work a full day, come home, cook dinner, and possibly go out with friends. Now cooking a meal seems like a chore. Filling the dogs' water bowel seems like too much some days. I miss the person I used to be and I am not happy with who I have become. Other than not knowing all these years what is truly causing my symptoms, not being able to do anything about them has been the hardest part. It seems that all my efforts to regain my health have been in vain. It is EXHAUSTING to try so hard to feel better yet feel like shit most days.

I used to be so focused and was able to concentrate and do my work no matter what was going on around me. It is something prior bosses commented on. Now I feel like I am trapped in a black box inside my head and all rational thought, focus, intelligence, and joy is outside that box, visible, but unreachable. It is the most horrible feeling when you try to explain something, put something into words, and you feel those words are within reach yet you cannot reach them. That is the best way I can describe it right now. Maybe one day, when I am past all this, I will be able to verbalize it better.

GAPS Intro #7: Day 38

I feel like crap. Two days ago I added in some fermented cod liver oil. I started with 1 ml on Friday and yesterday I had 1/4 tsp. I woke up with a wicked headache yesterday that never went away. Today I woke up again with a headache and also a backache and overall I fee like death. Since I may have to go back to work tomorrow I guess I won't be taking it today.

I am so tired of waking up feeling like crap every single day. The Lyme test results should be in by the end of next week - I hope. I want to start treating it but I wonder if I will even tolerate any kind of treatment. If the die off is this strong simply from fermented cod liver oil, how am I going to feel taking targeted herbs and homeopathics for Lyme's disease?

Trying not to be scared...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 35

Reading about Lyme disease, eating zero carb, doing the best I can to make it through each day with minimum symptoms which in itself is utterly draining.

Friday, July 29, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 29

I wish I had kept up with posting daily but I got tired of repeating the same thing over and over. I am on stage 2 now in that I am eating egg yolks on and off, but I think I am reacting to them. I also started taking Nystatin about a week ago but only a tiny amount - less than 1/16th of tsp. Two days ago I increased it to 1/8th of a teaspoon and I am paying for it. Increased headache, fluid retention, fatigue, anxiety (about my job and health mostly), and feeling down on myself.

I am so tired of living this way. The thought of spending one more day inside this body fighting negativity, fighting constant hunger, feeling discomfort or pain from abdominal distention, feeling fatigued and achy, having trouble concentrating, and all the other crap that happens on a daily basis seems unbearable.

I did find out that I most likely have Lyme's disease. I asked Dr. Cowan to order a CD57 blood test and mine came back as 20. Dr. Kalb, my local doctor, says that means there is a chronic bacterial infection but not necessarily Lyme. Some websites say a low value on the CD57 indicates chronic Lyme. So Dr. Kalb is running a Lyme panel and co-infections panel with Igenex. Supposedly the Western blot is the most accurate test for Lyme (although it can present a false negative as well) and apparently Igenex is the best lab to use. I had blood drawn on Tuesday and it will take 5 to 6 weeks to get the results.

The next question is how to treat it. Dr. Kalb treats aggressively with abx, herbs, and probiotics but he is concerned that I will not be able to tolerate abx due to my sensitive stomach. He said in that case we can do IV abx or go the homeopathic route. In the meantime I watched a video of a Lyme talk given by Dr. Rau from Switzerland and he said if you take abx it will cause the Lyme bacteria to form cysts and that's not a good thing.

I also asked the ostheopath in Germany what he recommends and he said to take the homeopathic remedies Aurum Arsenicosum 30C, Notakehl D5, and Fortakehl D5. Apparently the latter two are homeopathic antibiotics but don't kill good gut flora. Mom is getting all three for me and is sending them next week. Her pharmacy had to order the Aurum Arsenicosum from Austria.

I also scheduled a phone appointment with Dr. Cowan today at 4 PM (about 30 minutes) to see what his recommendation is.

Monday, July 11, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 11

Eleven days of intro and I have not noticed any changes for the better what so ever. I stopped the Berb/GSE supplement as well as the Symbioflor probees from Germany. I started feeling so awful I couldn't think or function. I am also giving up on boiled meat. It hasn't done a thing for me.

Friday I went to see a doctor in OH. His dad, a retired doctor, was also there. They think my lymph system is not working properly causing toxins to build up in my body. In addition, they feel my adrenals and thyroid are shot. Ya think!?

Anyway, they put me on two liquid herbal extracts (one for the lymph/detox and one for adrenals/thyroid), liquid ionic minerals, and probees. I am supposed to start the latter in 2 weeks. They have a lower CFU count than mine so maybe those will work for me.

Yesterday I actually had a relatively good day. I wasn't so down/depressed or as angry as I normally am, the distended belly wasn't so bad in the morning, and I had fairly good energy (spent 2 hours mowing and edging the yard in 90-something degree weather). This morning I woke up and that horrible anger is back. I told Pepper (dog) "back" when I went to open the door and as usual she didn't listen. I was so angry I wanted to SCREAM at her and probably would have if DH hadn't still been sleeping. I hate this kind of anger.

I am also depressed, frustrated, tired of feeling this way, tired of waking up with a headache, tired of not knowing what is causing the friggin' abdominal distention, and just feel like crying today.

Not exactly a happy post - what can I say!?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 7

I had a full blown gallbladder attack yesterday and it wasn't pleasant. I took Tylenol which made the pain more bearable but did nothing for the headache I got after lunch. The GB pain is mostly gone now but I still have a wicked headache, upper backache, and lower backache. I don't know why.

Haven't eaten much yet since that can bring on another GB attack. So far I have had two bites of boiled pork tenderloin, clear pork broth, and some "cinnamon gelatin" (pork gelatin mixed with water and cinnamon). If I do ok on that I may eat some more pork tonight for dinner.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 6

I get tired of listing the same symptoms every day - nothing is changing which is frustrating. Die off is supposed to subside after a few days to a week, then you increase probees or ferments, you get a bit more die off and it subsides again. This is not happening for me which makes me question WTH is going on.

Food today: Boiled tenderloin (boring!), pork bone broth, pork meat broth, pork fat.

A little negative today? I sure am! Maybe it's the bugs "talking" or maybe it's just that I am tired of "living" this way.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 5

Symptoms this morning: Same as every morning but today not as bad except for my heart rate. It went up to 160 again but that's standing still. Walking around the kitchen it was *only* 125. Headache and everything else is reduced.

Not much to say. Yesterday was rough. I had that nasty headache all day long but it's gone today. I am back to my usual headache that will probably go away in a bit. In addition I was insanely hungry and craving sweets. I guess taking one Primal Defense Ultra was just too much. I did continue with the Symbioflor probees yesterday so those seem to be ok - I started with one drop each and then took two drops each yesterday. In addition, I skipped the Berb/GSE supp yesterday and took 1/16th tsp of Nystatin instead. I will continue to rotate them every four or five days.

So the good thing is that I am feeling MUCH better today. Yesterday I didn't even feel like myself and all I wanted to do was sit and watch TV and be left alone. Today I feel more like myself and I feel capable of using my brain. The bad thing is that I was tolerating a much higher dose of probees (25 billion versus 5 billion) in April before the blood donation.

Today I am finally starting my job. Still excited and anxious. Once I know the system and I am in a groove I will be ok. I never did like starting at a new company because learning the system/database, check-out/check-in procedures, where everything is, etc. is cumbersome and you are dependent on other people to get things done at first.

Monday, July 4, 2011

GAPs Intro #7: Day 4

Symptoms this morning: Nasty headache (different than my usual headache), right eye lid only barely swollen, very angry, out of it, heart rate went up to 160s!, fluid retention in my entire body, dizzy, trouble standing, very distended, hungry, stuffy nose, white coated tongue, dry mouth.

Considering that I have been taking the Berberine/GSE supp for 5 days, plus I took 2 drops each of the Symbioflor probees and 1 Primal Defense Ultra yesterday, I really don't feel all that bad. It could have been much worse. However, the fluid retention tells me that I might be detoxing a bit too fast. The increase in heart rate from the previous days could also be an indication of too much die off. Since I am starting my new job tomorrow I will skip the Primal Defense Ultra tonight.

I think the reason my right eye lid is not so swollen today is because I increased the SR potassium two days ago. The blood test from last Monday indicated that my potassium level is still low normal and sodium was actually BElow normal. So I increased from 20 meq SR potassium a day to 40 meq a day.

The smoked beef ribs yesterday tasted amazing but I am going back to boiled meat today. Last night I started a pot of beef bone broth mostly from the rib bones, plus a few other beef bones, and I threw in a pack of grass-fed cube steaks. I will most likely eat those today plus broth and extra tallow. I am still very hungry every day, no matter how much I eat and it's getting harder and harder to deal with. As much as I want to eat dinner only, due to the abdominal distention, it will be really tough to make it all day feeling that hungry. On the other hand, it's not like eating helps!

I am feeling particularly negative this morning which is probably another sign I need to back off of probees today. Yesterday I was looking forward to our vacation in November and feeling confident that I would be much improved by then. Today everything seems hopeless and I just want this day to be over. Actually, I wish I could go to sleep and wake up when I am healthy. That's not a good place to be. Amazing what little critters in my gut dying can do to my brain.

Update 10:15 AM:
Definitely feeling worse today. Not only does the headache feel different, but it hasn't gone away. I think the headache I normally get might be from low cortisol and/or low thyroid so taking HC in the morning helps. The headache I have today seems to be from die off. I ate something to see if it would help but it hasn't and I am even more swollen now - all over. Note to self: One Primal Defense Ultra is WAY too much right now!

Update 9:00 PM:
Lunch and dinner was beef bone broth (made from the smoked beef rib bones - YUM), boiled chicken gizzards, boiled cube steak, extra tallow, and my *dessert* made of water, pork gelatin, and tons of cinnamon. I also had some Applegate Farms roast beef - not really intro-ish but it's better than diving into a bowl full of nuts. I was very hungry all day and had cravings for sweets.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 3

Symptoms this morning: Same as yesterday but my heart rate went up to 142 versus to the 130s. Resting heart rate is very low which is typical for POTS. The other symptoms don't seem as severe as yesterday. I took 12 grams of liposomal Vitamin C, 1 capsule bentonite clay, and 1 capsule diatomaceous earth yesterday. Maybe all that helped to reduce the die off a bit. I also noticed and forgot to mention that the white part of my eyes looks red and "cloudy" and my eyes look small. That's the total opposite of my normally sparkly, white, big eyes. Praying that all this will improve soon!

My package from mom arrived yesterday so now I have the Symbioflor Probees as well as Primal Defense Ultra. I think I will start with the Symbioflor Probees today. Dr. Natasha said to start with one drop of the first one, build up to 25, add the next and do the same, etc. That means I would run out of the first one before all the others and there would be unequal amounts in the bottles which I don't like. Probably an OCD thing or something so I am going to start with 1 drop each today. If that goes well I will add 1/2 or 1 Primal Defense Ultra tomorrow. I was also thinking about rotating the Berberine and GSE Supplement with Nystatin every four days. I figure it can't hurt plus the Berb/GSE supp has anti-bacterials in it as well and I don't want to kill off more good guys. I might even get another anti-fungal like Caprylic Acid and rotate all three every four days.

It's only been two days and I am already tired of boiled meat. I don't know what it is, but it just tastes so different. I love meat, poultry, fish, etc. and for the most part only put salt on my food - no other spices - but frying meat in a cast iron skillet or baking it just gives it a much better flavor. So today DH is smoking beef ribs from Laurel Creek Meats and I am going to partake. At least it's GAPS legal food, the ribs have a nice layer of fat, and I made my own dry rub.

Update 9:20 AM:
Much like yesterday I feel more human, cognitive, and alert, but not good by any means. I am going to sit in the sun in a little while to soak up some Vitamin D and get a good sweat going. It's already 83 degrees with 78% humidity but the thermometer on the porch where I will be sitting, with the sun directly shining onto it, says 101.5 degrees. It won't be pleasant. After that I think I will soak in a semi-cold detox bath.

Update 4:00 PM:
Lunch was boiled chicken gizzards and Applegate Organics smoked pork bratwurst sauteed in tallow and a bowl of beef bone broth. That was so much better than just boiled meat. Around 3 PM I had a bowl of beef meat broth. I don't feel great but it could be worse. I started to get very tired and fatigued mid-afternoon but I think it's because I didn't go to sleep until 10:30 last night and woke up at 4:50 this morning. That's just not enough sleep for me these days.

Update 5:45 PM:
I am so distended I am in physical pain. I may have to start skipping lunch as well and eat dinner only. There is no way I can sit at a desk and work every day with this much discomfort.

Update 9:00 PM:
The distention got even worse after dinner and I had horrible fluid retention again. I hate living this way. In addition to the Symbioflor probees I took 1 Primal Defense Ultra.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 2

Symptoms this morning: Headache, upper backache, increased (from yesterday) anger, heart rate up to 130, dizzy, weak, distended abdomen, puffy face, right eye lid very swollen, not fully cognitive, stuffy nose, and stiff body.

Yesterday I didn't think the Berberine supplement was doing much and that I might be able to increase to a whole capsule today, but I am definitely feeling worse. My head and back hurt more, I had to lean on the kitchen counter this morning because I felt I couldn't stand without holding onto something, I am so angry I want to scream, and right now I want to lie in bed all day and do nothing. I know this will change once the hydrocortisone kicks in, but this is not pleasant. It is mind boggling to me that I still have so much die off after all this time on GAPS, ZC, and Paleo prior to GAPS and ZC. I feel like crying right now.

Update 9 AM:
I feel more human but not good. Since I was rendering beef fat from a heart I am boiling for lunch I ate the leftover crunchy pieces. I am also thinking about taking some Vitamin C to help with detox but it gives me such horrible dry mouth. Still feel like staying in bed all day. Every little thing seems too much right now.

Update 9 PM:
The headache and backache eventually went away but I had really bad fluid retention starting mid-morning. As I was eating throughout the day it kept getting worse. I also felt fairly fatigued and brain-foggy. I ate boiled beef heart, tongue, and liver for lunch and dinner, as well as extra tallow and some bacon fat, and had 2 bowls of beef bone broth, a bowl of beef meat broth, and a bowl of chicken meat broth. I took one whole capsule of the Berberine/GSE supplement.

Friday, July 1, 2011

GAPS Intro #7: Day 1

Symptoms this morning: Headache, upper backache, anger, heart rate up to 120s, dizzy, weak, distended abdomen, puffy face, right eye lid slightly swollen, not fully cognitive, and stiff body.

The headache and backache seemed worse this morning when I first got up (around 5 AM) but seem to be going away now. I went back on the Berberine and GSE Supplement yesterday starting with half of a capsule. Hopefully the die off won't be too bad and I can start increasing the dose. Mom got the Pro-SymbioflorSymbioflor-1, and Symbioflor-2 for me and mailed them Tuesday. I hope to get them early next week and will start with Pro-Symbioflor first. Maybe with all of this I will then be able to start adding other probiotics and ferments again. I do believe that re-balancing my gut flora is going to be key to healing.

My current theory is that whatever is going on in my gut is causing my RT3 to go too high when I go back to T4/T3 medication like Armour or Naturethroid. Taking Cytomel helps reverse this but causes tachycardia because it is too much of a strain due to the autonomic dysfunction (POTS) which could quite possibly be connected to the gut dysbiosis as well. If I fix my gut I will be able to go back on T4/T3 medication which will resolve the POTS issues. The reason the gut issues have not resolved on GAPS is because whatever is overgrowing in my gut has morphed and learned to live on whatever I am eating - even meat and fat. Therefore adding the supplement mentioned above will knock down the level of candida or whatever it is, the Symbioflor products will strengthen my immune system, and that combined with GAPS intro will eventually allow me to add other probees and ferments. I hope I am right about this because I am still a little bit hopeful that I will have a normal stomach, better digestion, and more energy by the time we go on vacation in November.

Not sure yet what I am eating today. It depends on what we are doing today and whether DH is going to see his dad or not, but I am thinking boiled salmon, fish broth with Great Lakes Gelatin, and lots of pork fat or tallow.


I had fish broth, gelatin, boiled salmon, and lard for lunch and dinner. Started getting a slightly stuffy nose mid-afternoon and now (8 PMish) I feel like I am getting a slight ear ache. This is a typical die off symptom for me. Headache and backache eventually went away. Abdominal distention is awful now that I have eaten two meals.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Starting GAPS Intro

Either tomorrow or Monday, most likely tomorrow, I am going back on GAPS Intro. How is that different from what I am doing now? I will go back to eating boiled meats although I might allow myself something grilled this weekend. I will cut out most of my supplements - true GAPS intro says to cut out all of them, but there are some that really help so I am keeping them in. The ones I am going to continue taking/using are HCl, digestive enzymes with ox bile, Liver Life by Bioray, magnesium oil spray at night, and homemade liposomal Vitamin C (to help with detox). I plan on adding cod liver oil and Vitamin D3 drops one at a time after a few days. I will try to add ferments or probiotics slowly. Those are really the only differences since I am only on stage 2 and Dr. Natasha recommended I stay at that stage until the abdominal distention is gone.

In the GAPS book it says that the diet will reduce symptoms quickly and initiate the healing process in the digestive system. So far that hasn't happened for me and I don't know why. I am not going to give up but admit that this is getting harder and harder to deal with. Most days now I am fighting depression not due to a chemical imbalance or gut issues, but because I feel like I can't deal with this much longer. Hopefully I will see "some" healing this time around.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Espresso Dry Rub


2              Tbsp      Ground Espresso or Extra Dark Roast Coffee
1              Tbsp      Basil
1              Tbsp      Rosemary
1              Tbsp      Paprika
2              Tbsp      Chili Powder
1              Tbsp      Celtic Sea Salt
1              Tbsp      Cumin
1              Tbsp      Ground Black Pepper
1              Tbsp      Onion Powder
1              Tbsp      Garlic Powder

Mix all ingredients and rub on meat.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Chicken Bone Broth

A lot of people have questions about how to make bone broth. Thought I would show and write about how I make mine. This is just an example and no broth is ever the same. Sometimes I use a chicken carcass from a previously baked chicken, or bones from chicken thighs that I previously baked, or I use a fresh whole chicken. I always try to add some chicken feet since it helps to add gelatin which is nourishing for the gut and good for the body in general.

For this particular batch I am using raw chicken thighs, raw chicken gizzards, and chicken feet. The reason for the chicken thighs and gizzards is that I ran out of whole chickens and won't get anymore until next July 4th weekend and I just received my order of chicken thighs and gizzards from Good Earth Farms. The items arrived frozen so I can't add the gizzards quite yet but that's fine. The meat does not need to simmer as long as the bones anyhow.

I love the taste and texture of gizzards after they have simmered for several hours. However, the real reason I buy them is that each gizzard has a nice chunk of yellow chicken fat on it. I cut the fat off and fry it on low heat in a cast iron skillet to render the liquid fat. The remaining chicken cracklings are yummy as well.

Place the bones, and meat if you have some, in a large pot.

Add water to cover bones and meat by about 1 to 2 inches.

Cover pot with a lid and bring to boil.

When the water starts boiling you will most likely see some foam building. There are two types of foam. I mention this because there was some confusion about skimming foam on one of the Yahoo groups I belong to. There's the sort of white kind of foam that looks more bubbly and typically goes away when the water stops boiling. Then there's the more "foamy" and sometimes even dirty, sort of thick foam that you see towards the top in the picture below. That's the kind of foam you want to skim off.

Here's a closer shot of that foam.

After you have skimmed off the foam, lower the heat to bring the water to a low simmer, and add some fresh cracked black pepper corns.

I try to keep my broth simmering like in the video above but with the lid on. So once you put the lid back on your pot you will have to turn the temperature down a bit more. Just check back periodically to make sure it's still simmering. I let my broth simmer like this for about 24 hours.

Part of the GAPS intro diet is sipping ginger tea made from fresh ginger in between meals. I do not like this ginger tea for some reason and can't get myself to drink it so I add copious amounts of ginger to my broth instead. I usually wait until it has anywhere from 2 to 4 hours left before adding it.

Because my chicken gizzards were frozen when I started my broth, I did not add them until the next morning - after cutting the fat off to render it.
After adding the gizzards, or other raw meat, bring the broth back to a boil and skim off any new foam. Then place the lid back on the pot and turn down the heat to return the broth to a slow simmer.

Once the broth has simmered for about 24 hours I turn off the heat, let it cool down a bit, then strain it into a large bowl through a stainless steel colander.

I let the broth cool down to room temperature, then put it in the fridge and let it cool down completely. As much as I love fat, I do not like it in my broth, so once the broth has cooled and the fat is solid on top, I skim it off and save it in a jar. The broth should now have a jello-o like consistency. I fill it into 32 oz mason jars and place them in the freezer.
That's it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rendering Chicken Fat from Gizzards

I have been buying chicken gizzards from Good Earth Farms - they ship them frozen in 5 lb bags.

Each gizzard has a nice chunk of yellow fat on it which I cut off and place into a cast iron skillet.

I turn the burner to low to let the fat render slowly. After a while the chunks of fat will begin to shrink and turn brown and you will start getting a bunch of liquid fat.

When the chunks of fat start getting crispy and there are no raw pieces left, I start pouring the fat off into a jar. I find that the remaining chunks render better if there is less liquid fat in the skillet. Keep repeating this process until the chunks of fat are nothing but crispy little pieces - which taste amazing.

Since I had a batch of Chicken Bone Broth going while I was doing this, I took the gizzards without the fat and added them to my broth.

An easier way to do this would have been to just add the gizzards with the fat to the Chicken Bone Broth, and then to skim the fat off the broth once it is done. However, I like the taste of the rendered fat better when I make it in a cast iron skillet and I love cracklings.

I pour the chicken fat into a glass measuring cup then pour it from the measuring cup through a strainer into the jar I am going to store the fat in. From a 5 lb bag of gizzards I usually get anywhere from 10 to 16 oz of liquid chicken fat.

And now you can eat the cracklings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

GAPS Intro #6: Day 2 - AM

Symptoms this morning: Fatigue, very tired/worn out, right eye lid very swollen, left eye lid slightly swollen, upper backache, lower backache, fluid retention (whole body feels puffy), breast tenderness (started yesterday), puffy face, heart rate went up to the 130s, distended abdomen, headache, not cognitive.

Goals today: Eat two GAPS stage 1 meals, rest when necessary, study some Spanish, take a detox bath or sit in the FIR sauna.

I feel very puffy, big, and flabby right now. It's probably fluid retention from hormonal imbalance but I am afraid it's true weight gain. Eating enough today will be a challenge. I don't know if the progesterone cream I started using again is causing more problems or if this is just my body adjusting. I so wish I had not gotten the hysterectomy back in 2003. It just made things more difficult to figure out.

Yesterday I was not going to have any probiotic food at all but ended up eating some coconut milk kefir that I had made with milk kefir grains and some Custom Probiotics 11-strain powder. I am trying to decided if I should skip everything today to see if I feel a bit better tomorrow. There's definitely a huge difference in how I felt yesterday morning and how I feel today. I also need to start adding garlic but am concerned it will cause too much die off. Maybe it would be best to just have healing foods today but nothing anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, etc. and give my body a break. I just don't understand why there is no end to the die off. This is not normal....and I am starting a new job soon. How I am going to handle writing code with all this brain fog is a mystery to me.

Update 10:30 AM: The headache has actually gotten worse. I ate some breakfast rather than waiting for lunch because I did not feel didn't help. If I turn my head to fast I feel nauseated. I am more swollen as well. I had pork belly for breakfast but not boiled. I fried it in a cast iron skillet. Dinner will be boiled salmon.

Update 6:45 PM: I took a detox bath during which my hands and knuckles started to hurt and felt very stiff. After the bath the back of my hands started hurting and they still do. I also took some bentonite clay and sometime later the headache improved, but it's not gone. I have been insanely hungry all day and have felt very swollen all day. The breast tenderness has gotten worse. I did pretty good re food all day then around 5 PM or so I went overboard and ate way too much. Cravings for sweets got the better of me and I had some of DH's diet Coke. Of course I regretted it as soon as I drank some but man was it good. I am still craving sweets and diet soda - two of my typical PMS symptoms.

Since I blew it again with diet Coke and we are having friends over for a BBQ this weekend, I am thinking about just postponing intro until July 1st. I am only on stage 1/2 anyhow so what's the big difference. I am trying not to be discouraged and scared but I really am. I need to get these cravings under control because drinking diet Coke sure isn't going to help me heal! I feel like a failure right now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another New Day

I feel better emotionally today. Maybe the anxiety, negativity, and everything I was feeling yesterday was from die off. It's so hard to tell but I feel more positive and inspired today. So far I plan on doing some clear water enemas followed by a coffee enema and then to fast the rest of the day, but that may change later. Fasting has become harder but I do believe it is very beneficial.

Update: Fasting was too hard. The headache I woke up with went away and then later in the afternoon came back even worse. So I had boiled salmon, salmon broth, some of the gelatinous meat from making pork bone broth, and pork fat. The pain in my right wrist and hand came back as well. I am beginning to wonder if it's from knitting versus arthritic pain or something else.

Monday, June 20, 2011

GAPS Intro #6: Day 1 - PM

This day did not go well at all or like I had hoped. I felt very tired and sort of numb emotionally so instead of taking 7.5 mg of HC around lunch time I took 10 mg. I sat in the sun around 10:30 and when I came in my heart rate shot up to 140 when I checked it and I was starting to feel dizzy. I had a hard time standing in the shower and had to sit down as soon as I got out. My body still feels swollen and soft and I hate it which put me in a bad mood. I have also been very distended all day to the point of being in pain. After running some errands in the afternoon I made dinner and then I messed up. I had some pork rinds and some homemade almond/walnut butter. I topped it all off with some of Bob's diet Coke and two pieces of gum. Next I ate about 1/2 cup of coconut milk kefir. The latter isn't a bad thing except that I have to collect stool for a stool test tomorrow and ideally you should not be taking probees before a stool test. I feel like I messed everything up.

Because I am so distended (and I messed up today anyhow) I decided to fast tomorrow. I need a break from feeling this miserable. My abdomen is so big it's making my back hurt. I am hating life right now.

GAPS Intro #6: Day 1 - AM

Symptoms this Morning: Headache, upper backache, fatigue, anger, whole body feels swollen/puffy, right eye lid swollen, puffy face, very distended abdomen, very itchy skin, no motivation, not cognitive, slight depression, stiff body, heart rate went up to 129.

Goals for Today: Eat two GAPS Stage 1 meals (lunch and dinner), rest when tired, read some in the GAPS book and in "Maximum Achievement", take a detox bath.

I have not weaned off coffee so I started my day with water, 1/2 cup of black coffee, and medication (10 mg hydrocortisone, 10 meq potassium chloride). My heart rate came down a bit after a few minutes but was too high for just walking around the kitchen. It was normal while sitting.

I plan on eating salmon today probably with pork fat and drinking the water I cook it in as broth. I also have a pot of pork bone broth going so I may have some of that as well. The reason I want to eat only two meals is that I think I may have SIBO and have read that it's best to wait 3 to 5 hours in between meals. Also, I stopped eating breakfast a while back because I get so distended after eating and waiting until mid-day to have a meal allows me to have part of the day without so much discomfort - well, without THAT discomfort. I can't say that waking up with all the symptoms I mentioned above is comfortable!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day, blogging, GAPS, and more!

My dad would have celebrated his 69th birthday this year if he were still alive. He passed away 14 years ago after a long battle with lung cancer that spread to his brain and then his back. Sometimes I don't even think about him, other times I do but it's just fond memories, and then there are days like today when I wish I could pick up the phone, call him, and tell him "Happy Father's Day" and that I love him. Realizing that I can't and never will be able to again is devastating and there is an actual physical pain in my heart when I think about it. I know it will pass but those days are hard. He was so full of life, fun to be around, adventurous, intelligent, motivated, and more. I like to think that I am a lot like him but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

As for blogging, like so many times I thought I would keep up with it pretty much daily but that hasn't happened. It seems something always comes up that keeps me from writing. A lot of times it's brain fog, feeling like I can't capture my thoughts let alone write in coherent sentences, other times I question why I should blog. But here I am and I am about to start GAPS intro again - tomorrow. I will start with a zero carb version and without probees or ferments the first few days since I haven't done the stool test yet. I will be finishing it on Tuesday so Wednesday I will most likely add a drop of fermented veggie brine to my broth. I hope I will be able to tolerate it.

Thursday I tried adding some kefir made from raw cream. Friday wasn't so bad and I had a tiny bit more. By evening I was pretty hungry - more so than usual. Yesterday was awful...I was horribly, horribly swollen from the time I got up and it got worse as soon as I had coffee. I spent the whole day hungry, fighting cravings, and eating like horse. I could not get enough food in my body and by evening I gave in and had a tiny bite of walnut/hazelnut butter with honey in it. Although it wasn't much I am totally kicking myself and I really, really regret it. So unfortunately dairy is still out. I plan on staying off dairy, including ghee, for 6 weeks and then re-introducing it slowly starting with ghee. I am also not going past stage 2 of the intro diet until the abdominal distention goes away like Dr. McBride recommended.

I am so disappointed that I still feel so crummy after all this time. We are going on another cruise the week after Thanksgiving this year and I so wanted to be able to eat without looking like I am pregnant. I was hoping to have my flat stomach back by then, to have energy, to feel good, and to have a semi-normal vacation. Maybe that's still possible?!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Homemade Mayonnaise

I use the stick-blender method in this video versus the slow drizzle method, but my ingredients are different.

2                                  Egg Yolks
2          Tbsp                Fresh Lemon Juice
¾         Tsp                  Celtic Sea Salt
½         Tsp                  Mustard Powder
½         Tsp                  Paprika Powder
Sprinkle                       Black Pepper (about 2 grinds with a pepper mill)
1          Cup                 Macadamia Nut Oil (1 ½ cups if you want thinner mayo)

Latin Kisses

We love these and make them frequently.

16        Lg                    Shrimp , peeled and deveined
½         Cup                 Olive Oil
1          Tsp                  Ginger, grated (or 1/4 tsp ginger powder)
2          Lg                    Cloves of Garlic, minced
1          Cup                 Cilantro Leaves (loose)
¼         Tsp                  Celtic Sea Salt
½         Tsp                  Chili Powder
¼         Tsp                  Tumeric Powder
½         Tsp                  Cumin Powder
¼         Tsp                  Paprika Powder
1                                  Lime (1/2 medium or 1 large)
1 – 2                            Jalapenos
8          Slices               Bacon, thick cut (slightly cooked)

Mix olive oil with spices and lime juice, puree in a food processor, and marinate shrimp in mixture for 3 to 4 hours, longer if desired. 

About 30 minutes prior to when you want to eat, slightly cook the bacon. I normally don't use the microwave, but for this recipe I arrange the bacon on a plate and put it in the microwave for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

Next slice the back of each shrimp, cut jalapenos in slices length-wise about 1/8th inch thick and place in back of shrimp, wrap 1/2 slice of bacon around shrimp and put on a skewer. 

 When all the shrimp has been skewered, grill until done basting with leftover marinade.

DH likes to dip them in creamy jalapeno dressing. I sometimes dip them in homemade mayonnaise, bacon fat, other animal fat, coconut oil, or nothing at all. Either way they are delicious.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Today was a rough day. I was hoping I could tolerate all the supplements, including d-ribose, since it is one of the important ones in people with mitochondrial failure. Unfortunately it totally kicked in my sugar cravings. All day long I wanted something sweet and I was really hungry - more so than I normally am.

Sometime after dinner I decided to take a spoon full of coconut milk kefir and proceeded to eat the entire 30 oz jar. I just couldn't stop it was so friggin' good. Then I made "chocolate" from coconut oil, cocoa powder, and d-ribose. Why the hell did I do that?? Last time I tried 1/4 tsp of coconut oil I had a wicked headache and backache the next day. Between the 2 to 3 Tbsp of coconut oil I ate and the 30 oz of coconut milk kefir, I could be feeling vewwy, vewwy sick tomorrow. I kind of regret trying it but on the other hand, if I hadn't I would have wondered if it would have helped. I guess now I know!

Hopefully the l-carnatine, niacin, and CoQ10 will help even without the d-ribose. I need something because I have been feeling utterly fatigued.

As I was consuming the "chocolate" I was thinking that it was stupid to go back on intro 8 days before I am going out of town for 4 days. I guess I will re-start for the 800th time when I get back from Austin or I may just not worry about it since I am stuck on stage 2 anyhow. Boiled meat has certainly never made a difference in how I feel.

The stool test kit didn't come today which was disappointing. I really wanted to get it over with and sent back to the lab to see if parasites are still an issue. A friend from the GAPS group also suggested having a rectal swab done so I will be looking into that as well. I am so fed up I am ready to go on another fast just so I can get some relief. Today I got so tired of being hungry that I just ate. That alone made my stomach distend even more. Eating coconut milk kefir and coconut oil sure didn't help and now I am literally in pain. I hate this!

I wish...

...the pain would stop.
...I had energy to exercise, go out and do stuff, and be adventurous like I used to be.
...I could focus and concentrate like I used to.
...the abdominal distention would stop.
...I could eat vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dairy again without a negative reaction.
...I could eat anything without feeling discomfort.
...I could stop doing enemas.
...I could stop tracking symptoms, food, supplements, etc.
...I could sleep without magnesium or other sleep aids. heart rate would go back to normal. adrenals would heal and I could stop taking hydrocortisone.
...I knew the exact underlying causes of all these symptoms.

I wish I had my life back!

GAPS Re-Intro: Day 4

Symptoms this morning: Headache, upper backache, lower backache, pain in calves, top of arms from elbows down, back of hands, back of fingers, and wrists, abdominal distention, red/burning/watery eyes, runny nose, constipation, tired, fatigued, not fully cognitive, elevated heart rate (not as bad as yesterday), right eye lid swollen, puffy face, crazy hungry, overall stiff body.

I am thrilled about my heart rate being lower and it came down even more after I took my morning dose of HC (10 mg). I just walked down to the kitchen and my heart rate was hovering between 85 and 97 which is about 20 beats lower than it has been the last 4 or 5 days. I lowered my dose of Cytomel yesterday by 3.125 mcg but I also increased the SR potassium to 15 meq from 10 meq. Either one of those could be responsible for the drop in heart rate.

I slept pretty good but only until 3:30 AM. Got up to use the bathroom and was hoping to go back to sleep, but it just wasn't happening. So at 4 AM I got up, fixed my coffee, let Pepper out, and came back to bed to check emails, approve and answer GAPS messages, read my devotionals, etc.

I did take another dose of d-ribose this morning in my coffee and also took 1 gram of l-carnatine and 500 mg niacin. No reaction so far that I can tell. I am hoping the supplements will help with energy, concentration, and overall healing. Of course after sleeping only 6 hours I doubt I will notice any improvement in energy today although from what I understand d-ribose gives people a fairly instant boost in energy. I wish I could nap during the day but have always had a hard time with it even when I feel dead tired. In addition, our upstairs AC unit is not working properly and it gets very hot and humid upstairs where our bedroom is during the day.

Yesterday I ate boiled salmon, hamburger patties (not boiled), extra lard on top of the hamburger patties, egg yolks, and beef bone broth. Today I am having boiled pork tenderloin, ground pork patties, pork bone broth, and egg yolks. I went to bed hungry last night and woke up still feeling hungry this morning. It's this never-ending hunger that also makes me think parasites may be an issue. Hopefully the stool test kit will get here today so I can do the test over the weekend and send it back on Monday.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I am continuing reading Dr. Myhill's book on CFS with great interest and today I got my supplements. I couldn't order everything because some of the ones she recommends, like the mineral mix, are made by here and she is not licensed to sell her supplements outside of the UK. So I got l-carnatine, d-ribose, niacin, and coq1. They came around 3 PM and I immediately took some d-ribose. Thankfully no sweet cravings from it. Tomorrow I will add the niacin and maybe the l-carnatine. I wanted to add one at a time every 2 days or so, but I am way too impatient for that. Of course it would be easier to figure out that way if I am reacting to any of them.

I am so hungry I can barely stand it.

GAPS Re-Intro: Day 3

Woke up with the usual symptoms (headache, right eye lid swollen, tired, not really cognitive, heart racing, etc.) but overall not too bad. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?!

Anyway, sometime after lunch I started to get a headache and felt really tired and out of it. I thought the Nystatin increase yesterday (from 1/16 tsp to 1/8 tsp) must have done it but around 2:30 PM I realized I hadn't taken my mid-day dose of 7.5 mg hydrocortisone. Since it was a bit late already I took 5 mg then and within half an hour the headache was almost gone. That's good but the pain in my right wrist and knuckles continues and it flared up in my left wrist as well until I took the HC around 2:30 PM.

I went to the lab this morning to get blood drawn. Can't wait to see what the RA factor and ANA indicate. If the pain in my wrist is RA then the RA factor should be elevated - at least you would think it would be. What is odd though is that the pain started sometime after the blood donation and low blood volume. I don't understand it and Dr. Cowan didn't have a possible explanation either.

I also had a free 15-minute consultation with Chris Kresser yesterday. I had read some of the articles on his blog and like them. In addition, at least one couple from the GAPS Yahoo group is consulting with him. After listening to my chief complaints he feels I have parasites. Since I have done several herbal parasite cleanses and my diet is extremely strict and limited, he suggested I take medication for them and then rebuild gut flora once the parasites are gone. He said since he can't prescribe medication he can't really help me right now but would be happy to consult with me after I am done with the meds (should I decide to take them). Incidentally I had just ordered another stool test kit from Parasitology Center Inc. the day before. Chris likes Metametrix for parasite testing and that's who I did the last stool test with. However, I was told that this place is even better. Chris also felt that the difficulty I am having taking probees and ferments could be an indication of parasitic infection since parasite can feed off of them.

I really didn't want to do more tests (or spend more money on tests), but I am desperate to feel better. Right now I am not living. I am merely making it through the day as best as possible and there is no joy in that. I am praying that Dr. Amin from the Parasitology Center Inc. will find something IF there is something to be found which needs to be addressed. As much as I hate taking medication, I probably will give it a try considering that everything else I have tried has not worked.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

GAPS Re-Intro: Day 2

I took a tiny amount of Nystatin yesterday as well as 1 drop of fermented carrot brine. I can't say I feel great today but no increased headache or other die off symptoms either. That's good...I am more hopeful.

It's only been one day and I am already tired of boiled meat. It just does not taste good to me. Yesterday I had boiled salmon and boiled chicken thighs. I admit though that I sauteed the skin of both in a cast iron skillet and some tallow. There is no way I can eat boiled fish or chicken skin and I didn't feel like pureeing it into my broth. Today I am having boiled chicken breast (it's skinless) and a ton of tallow. I will try a little bit more Nystatin but will keep the fermented carrot brine at 1 drop. It seems crazy that such a small amount could potentially cause die off.

The pain in my right wrist, knuckles, and fingers continues. I am not sure if I hurt my wrist somehow without noticing and the pain is radiating to my hand or if this is arthritic type pain. I hope it's not the latter. Dr. Cowan ordered some blood tests and among them he is checking for rheumatoid arthritis and also for mycoplasma pneumoniae. I have had the latter in the past and he wants to see if there's a lingering infection.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GAPS Re-Intro: Day 1

I was going to start over once again with GAPS Intro today. Unfortunately my day started crappy like so many days. I woke up with a headache and backache, tired, tachycardia (up to 137), fluid retention, and I had abdominal distention from the start before eating or drinking anything. Drinking coffee made it worse - this could be "PMS" or rather hormonal. It's too hard to tell these days but I hate it.

In my last email to Dr. Cowan I asked him to address the abdominal distention. His reply was that it's probably just "bad gut ecology but we can try a course of Nystatin". So this is about the 4th or 5th person who is indicating that I have fungal overgrowth. Maybe God is trying to tell me something!!!

I told Dr. C that Nystatin gives me the same symptoms as I get from probees and ferments - headache, backache, fatigue, anger, constipation, etc. I assumed those were die off but during our last phone consult he indicated that I probably just don't tolerate those strains of bacteria. That doesn't really make sense to me especially since I am getting the same symptoms from coconut oil, palm oil, GSE, oil of oregano, Nystatin, and other anti-fungals and anti-bacterials. I still think it's wicked die off what I didn't understand is why it just won't stop, then I started reading Dr. Myhill's free E-book on CFS. According to her research CFS is caused by mitochondrial failure. Mitochondria supply energy to all the cells in our body and if mitochondria fail all organs are affected and everything slows down. It can even lead to POTS which is something I have been dealing with as well. Reading her book was like reading about myself. I finally had an explanation for all the weird symptoms I seem to be having, including the fact that I am SO toxic despite a clean diet and clean lifestyle. Since all organs are affected in mitochondrial failure that means your skin is affected. In the book it states if micro-circulation to the skin is shut down, the body cannot detox. It also explains heat intolerance, something else I have been dealing with, because the skin is responsible for controlling the temperature of the body. When the blood supply to the skin is shut off, the body cannot loose heat through the skin and the core body temperature rises.

Dr. Myhill recommends a Stone Age Diet, 9 hours of sleep every night, plenty of rest and pacing oneself, and a supplement regimen for people with CFS/mitochondrial failure. Some of the supplements I already take, some I can't get here (she is in the UK), and some key supplements (d-ribose, l-carnatine, CoQ10, and niacin) I ordered and they should get here Friday. I am hopeful yet I am afraid to be hopeful.

Back to GAPS Intro - so I was going to start over today but I am wondering what the point is. I mean, I am still on Stage 2 minus egg whites/gee/butter. Of course as usual, the perfectionist in me wants to do it right, go through the stages, add one thing at a time, etc. I am not sure what to do and I am also torn about adding ferments back in - maybe one drop at a time - and now also adding Nystatin. Dr. C said to start with a pinch and work my way up. I was thinking about using the baby scoop from my Custom Probiotics. That's about 1/16 of a teaspoon or less which is a small dose.

I am trying to find joy, be happy, and enjoy life but it's not easy right now. I feel overwhelmed with all these symptoms and the fact that it seems impossible to find a good doctor - one that will truly listen, take his/her time, not just blow me off because I take Cytomel for hypothyroidism, or look at me like I am insane when I mention some of my symptoms.